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Projeto: Procurando o peixe matrinxã: fisgando pescadores com a Ciência Cidadã

Clique no Nome para Conhecer o Integrante: Liliane Stedile de Matos e Lucélia Nobre Carvalho

Currently in Brazil, scientific research involving Citizen Science is using technological tools to facilitate and encourage the participation of ordinary citizens, such as the ICTIO application used in fishing monitoring on the Madeira River. ICTIO is a tool developed by the multinational project “Citizen Science for the Amazon” that aims to connect people and organizations across the Amazon Basin, collecting and sharing information to understand Amazonian fish migrations and the environmental factors that influence them. In the Teles Pires river basin (Southern Amazon), the matrinxã fish (Brycon falcatus) is one of the most important migratory species (ecological, social, economic and touristic) and has been suffering threats (predatory fishing, contamination by heavy metals, decline in capture , gonadal tumors, habitat fragmentation) due to anthropogenic actions. Furthermore, there is little literature on the reproductive biology and migratory routes of matrinxã in the Teles Pires river basin, which are important data for developing management proposals for the conservation of this species. This project aims to investigate the reproductive biology and migratory routes of matrinxã fish in the Teles Pires river basin, through citizen science research with the participation of professional artisanal, amateur and sports fishermen using the ICTIO application and interviews. Additionally, we intend to evaluate the exploitation rate and fishing stock in the last 10 years of matrinxã fish with data from the Individual Fishing Declarations - DPIs of professional artisanal fishermen. Seeking to engage children and teenagers, lectures will be given in public schools to promote the importance of the environmental integrity of the Teles Pires river for the Amazon ecosystem and the ecological role of the matrinxã fish as a regenerator of riparian forests.

Useful links from the project “Keeping an eye on the matrinxã fish: using citizen science as a tool”:

Link to the Citizen Science Network for the Amazon:

Link to download the ICTIO app:

ICTIO app manual link (download):

Link to the ICTIO app tutorial video:

Link to the project’s explanatory video:

Social media:
@deolhonopeixematrinxa (Facebook)
@deolhonopeixematrinxa (Instagram) (email)

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