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Claudio Henrique Zawadzki
Biologist, PhD in Environmental Sciences - State University of Maringá (UEM)
Areas of interest: Taxonomy of neotropical fish; Vertebrate ecology, Fish genetics.
Fernando R. Carvalho
Biologist, PhD in Animal Biology - UFRGS
Areas of interest: Taxonomy and Systematics of Neotropical Freshwater Fishes
Gislene Torrente-Vilara
Biologist and PhD in Freshwater Biology and Inland Fisheries by the National Institute for Research in the Amazon
Areas of interest: Fish patterns, processes and biogeography and the impact of hydroelectric projects in the Amazon.
Jansen Zuanon
Biologist with a master's degree in freshwater biology and inland fisheries from the National Research Institute of the Amazon and a doctorate in ecology from the State University of Campinas
Areas of interest: Ecology and Taxonomy of Freshwater Fish, acting mainly on the following themes: Amazon, fish, ecology, ichthyofauna and communities.
Leandro Dénis Battirola
Biologist, PhD in Biological Sciences (Entomology) - UFPR
Practice Area: Arthropod Ecology, Conservation Biology.
Leandro Melo de Sousa
Biologist, PhD in Biological Sciences (Zoology) - USP
Practice Area: systematics, taxonomy, Siluriforms, Doradidae, Loricariidae and biodiversity of Neotropical freshwater fish.
Paula Sueli Andrade Moreira
Zootechnician. PhD and Master in Biological Sciences - UNESP.
Areas of interest: Animal behavior, animal welfare and fish nutrition.
Raoni Rosa Rodrigues
Biologist, PhD in Ecology, Conservation and Management of Wildlife - UFMG
Practice Area: Migratory behavior of fish, especially using biotelemetry; design and monitoring of fish passages, with varied methodologies; studies of fisheries biology and statistics; fish-plant interaction; reservoir ecology.
Ricardo Massato Takemoto
Biologist and PhD in Ecology and Natural Resources from the Federal University of São Carlos
Areas of interest: Ictioparasitology, Parasite Helminthology, Taxonomy of freshwater fish parasites; Ecology of parasitic populations and communities.
Ricardo Takemoto
Ricardo Massato Takemoto
Biologist and PhD in Ecology and Natural Resources from the Federal University of São Carlos
Areas of interest: Ictioparasitology, Parasite Helminthology, Taxonomy of freshwater fish parasites; Ecology of parasitic populations and communities.
Renata Mazzei
Liliane Stedile de Matos
Fisheries Engineer, Master in Environmental Sciences and PhD in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
Areas of interest: Monitoring of trace metals and age and growth of fish.
Liliane Stedile de Matos
Liliane Stedile de Matos
Fisheries Engineer, Master in Environmental Sciences and PhD in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
Areas of interest: Monitoring of trace metals and age and growth of fish.
Erika Germanos
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