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Welcome to the Tropical Ichthyology Laboratory (LIT), located at the Campus of Sinop at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). The LIT was conceived with my arrival at UFMT Câmpus Sinop in 2008. From the beginning, investigations have focused on fish ecology and biology, in freshwater aquatic habitats in southern Amazonia. Our research is strongly oriented towards the field, with studies carried out in the Teles Pires, Xingu and Juruena basins and, eventually, in the headwaters of the Paraguay River in the Nobres region. Our field research is carried out mainly on river ecosystems (streams and rivers) and adopts descriptive, comparative and experimental approaches. We use field observations to generate hypotheses that are tested using field and laboratory experiments. The research is strongly oriented towards advancing basic scientific understanding, towards a better understanding of biodiversity conservation. The researches are developed by students and collaborators from several higher education institutions. More information about research, publications and staff is available on the laboratory members page, which you can access by clicking on the link in the curriculum lattes.

Specific areas of interest and projects include:

Structure of species assemblages, environmental variation and functional characteristics of species.

Fish-forest interaction with an emphasis on ichthyocoria.

The ecological role of frugivorous fish in forest regeneration.

Interactions between fish and parasites.

The effects of parasites on fish behavior.

The publications presented here are related to LIT's areas of activity and lines of research, other publications are available on my cv lattes:

Lattes Curriculum


Lucélia Nobre Carvalho


The Tropical Ichthyology Laboratory (LIT) started to be built in September 2018 with resources from the project: “Monitoring of the Ichthyofauna of the Teles Pires HPP” in an agreement signed by the Federal University of Mato Grosso and the Uniselva Foundation. The work was completed in April 2019 with approximately 200 m². Prior to LIT, all research activities were carried out in the Southern Amazon Biological Collection (ABAM) block, also located at the University Campus of Sinop. The LIT has a preparation room for screening, a room for experiments with aquariums, an equipment room with magnifying glasses and microscopes and houses the Ichthyological Collection.



















O LIT tem como foco as áreas localizadas no ecótono Amazônia-Cerrado próximas às cabeceiras das bacias dos rios Xingu e Tapajós.


Além de amostragens na Estação Ecológica Rio Ronuro, Rio Juruena, Parque Estadual do Cristalino e nos sítios de coleta nos módulos do Programa de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade (PPBio).



Os módulos do PPBio são gerenciados pelo Núcleo Regional de Sinop por pesquisadores do Núcleo de Estudos da Biodiversidade da Amazônia Mato-grossense (NEBAM).

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