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LIT extension projects bring technical information to society. Some of them are: “OLÁ UFMT Sinop: project that aims at the interaction between society and university” and “Itinerant Museum of Flora and Fauna of the Amazon Mato-Grossense”. The first project has as main objective to make the interaction between society with a focus on elementary and high school students, with integration between university and society. The actions aim to interact with the academic environment, with visits to laboratories and other environments of the University.

The project “Itinerant Museum of Flora and Fauna of the Amazon region of Mato Grosso” is an initiative of the group of researchers from ABAM, which aims to bring knowledge about regional biodiversity to students in schools in the municipality of Sinop, MT. The development of these activities, in a region subjected to intense anthropic pressure, aims to raise awareness with the conservation of the Amazon ecosystem, especially those found in the State of Mato Grosso.

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